May Flowers

Hello, May!

As we embrace the new month, we recall the timeless adage, “April showers bring May flowers.” While April mostly delivered showers, it fills us with hope for the imminent bloom of May’s blossoms. This month, we also honor Mother’s Day, extending our heartfelt appreciation to all moms. May your day be filled with joy alongside your loved ones.

Exciting news! We are thrilled to introduce a one-day intensive program for “Project Thrive” which is tailored for youth. This initiative focuses on cultivating wholesome relationships with food and self, instilling a deeper comprehension of nourishing eating habits among our younger generation. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to participate!

As nature flourishes around us, let’s not overlook nurturing our inner selves. Just as we tend to a garden, tend to the beauty within you. Take time to care for yourselves amidst the vibrant spring scenery. Looking for support in looking after your health, check out “Nourish” – our membership program. See below for more details!

Until next month 🙂

Click here to read the full May newsletter (PDF)

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